July 2016 - Schaferhunde News — The German Shepherd Dog Club of Greater Kansas City

General Meeting - Awards Banquet

December 14, 2024

11:00am - 1:00pm

Program: General Meeting and Awards Banquet Luncheon

July 2016 - Schaferhunde News

The Schaferhunde News

 The German Shepherd Dog Club of Greater Kansas City

Founded 1923

You're Invited!

 July 9: Annual picnic, Litton Center shelter house, Smithville Lake. Fun begins at 9:30 a.m. with coffee and donuts. For lunch, hamburgers and brats will be provided by the club and prepared by Chefs Mike Kennedy and Mark McHenry. Bring your own drinks, lawn chairs, and a side dish or dessert for the potluck lunch. Bring your dog to play on a rally course. After lunch, animal chiropractor Dr. Stephanie Winter will present "How Your Dog Can Benefit from Chiropractic." Please let Sally know if you are coming so she can have enough brats and burgers for all. Her email is Sally@gsdcgkc.com.

July 12: General Meeting 7 p.m., American Inn. Come early and bring your dog before the meeting to socialize. We meet on the East side of the American Inn 6-6:45 p.m.

Program: Roger Becker, DVM. As a Kansas State University graduate, Dr. Becker has been in the veterinary medicine field for more than 30 years. "Practicing veterinary medicine has been more of a rewarding experience than a job," Dr. Becker said. "The opportunity to save so many clients' pets over the years and the close relationships developed with my clients has been wonderful." With a major interest in surgical cases, he still finds all aspects of the practice challenging. Spending time with his grandchildren, tennis, and golf are among his favorite activities.

Aug. 9: General Meeting 7 p.m., American Inn. Come early and bring your dog before the meeting to socialize. We meet on the East side of the American Inn 6-6:45 p.m.

Aug. 27-28: GSDCGKC Specialty shows, Kansas Expocentre,Topeka. Saturday judge is Cyndi Flautt, Brandon, Miss., and Sunday's judge is Lee Brown, Harahan, La. There is no admission charge and you can watch conformation and shop the vendors in the large building and see obedience and rally in the nearby smaller building.

Sept. 13: General Meeting 7 p.m., American Inn. Come early and bring your dog before the meeting to socialize. We meet on the East side of the American Inn 6-6:45 p.m.

Debbie McHenry and Gero Win High in Trial Both Days at GSDCGKC Obedience Trials

It's a rare achievement to have the highest scoring dog at any obedience trial. To reach that pinnacle two days in a row requires a great team. The club's own Debbie McHenry and her dog, Gero vom Kleinen Holzweg, BN, PCD, CD, TD, RE, CGC won High in Trial over all breeds both days. Gero scored 195.5 on Saturday and 195 on Sunday, to finish his Novice B obedience title.

Debbie, Gero and Judge Joe Caputa on Sunday, Photo by Dara Lilly

Debbie, Gero and Judge Joe Caputa on Saturday. Photo by Summer Cole.

President's message from Chris Kimerer

Wow, summer has definitely arrived here in Kansas City! In spite of the hot temperatures, the club has had several major and successful events. Tails and Treats in the Park classes have been well attended and participation has been great. A different venue was introduced each week to allow owners and their dogs to get a little taste of the activities they might enjoy doing with their dogs The feedback has been very positive and everyone seems to be having a good time, and that is what it should be all about – having fun with our dogs.

Our two-day obedience trial was well attended and I would like to thank the obedience committee and all the volunteers for all the hard work put into having another successful trial. There are too many names to mention but you all know who you are!!! I know Debbie will give a more detailed report about the trial in this newsletter, so not to repeat everything. I will let her share the details.

The very next weekend was the 2016 Midwest Futurity/Maturity held in St. Louis, Mo., at Purina Farms. I can’t say enough good things about that wonderful facility and show venue. We were outside, under a huge tent, and the ring was set up by Purina staff. We literally don’t have to lift a finger regarding ring set up when using that facility. The first two days were Specialties hosted by the St. Louis German Shepherd Dog Club; the Futurity/Maturity was hosted by us. This show is officially considered a Match, it does not award AKC points. Wood plaques and ribbons are awarded. It is a Parent Club-sponsored event hosted by Regional Clubs, who put in their bid to host this show two years prior to the event. The Regional Club submits several names for the judge in order of preference and the Parent Club makes the final approval of the judge. Our judge this year was Jerry Guzman.

The Midwest and Great Lakes Regions always have the biggest entry out of the nine regions, and this year, the Midwest entry was indeed the largest. It was well attended, in spite of record temps that weekend, ran like a well-oiled machine thanks to the eight workers who had everything organized and under control the entire day.

Thank you Lew and Nicky Bunch, Ken and Shirley Petersen, Bill and Susie Long and Bryan and Kathleen Stutz for all your hard work and efforts to keep everything moving along and on schedule. Judge Jerry Guzman has impeccable ring procedure and is always so enjoyable to have judge. He is a true gentleman and we thank him for judging our Futurity/Maturity for us.

The next club event will be the July 9th picnic, always a fun event enjoyed by those who attend. We will be having burgers & brats cooked by Chef Mike and everyone please bring your favorite picnic dish to share with all the rest of us, hope to see you all there. Last but not least, our website is up and running along with our new FB page. All three of our social media will be totally integrated with one another, some changes had to be made to make this possible, one of those being a new FB page. I will be the first one to tell you that I don't know how all this works!!! With the help of Josh Matcuk, our web designer, and Marion Baker, who has worked tirelessly uploading and completing the pages, and the assistance of Carmi Swift along with several others, this is coming to fruition. Cheryl May has us on Twitter and I am so appreciative of the talent we have among our members to make all this possible. So, please check us out on the web, Facebook and Twitter. I hope to see everyone at the picnic on the 9th and the club meeting on the 12th. We plan to have Dr. Becker from the Independence Animal Hospital joining us for a question and answer session regarding general dog care as well as some specific GSD issues he encounters. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful 4th of July!— Chris


The club's annual obedience trials June 11-12 were a success, as usual, with the club earning a profit from the event, and several members earning legs, titles and honors.

Cindy Hartman's MiJen's Willa, CD, RE, begins her take-off for the high jump in the Open class. Photo by Summer Cole

Heinz Earns TC Title at St. Louis Specialty

Nancy and Mike Kennedy traveled to Purina Farms June 18 for the GSDCA temperament test, held in conjunction with a GSD futurity. Sir Heinz Vom Wieland, BN, RA, CGCA, TC added "Temperament Certified" to his titles a the test. Nancy reports, "He passed with flying colors!"


Gero Ranks No. 1 in GSDs in Rally Novice

Debbie McHenry's Gero rocked the rankings in AKC Rally Novice in 2015. Debbie reports: "Front and Finish," The Dog Trainer's News, publishes the end of year results for all Rally and Obedience classes. In the July 2016 issue they published the Rally Novice results for 2015. Gero ranks No. 1 in German Shepherd Dogs, showing only five times! So proud of my boy!"


Nancy Kennedy and Sir Heinz Vom Wieland, BN, RA, CGCA, TC earned two Novice Preferred legs at the GSD obedience trials June 11-12. They were the highest scoring team in Preferred Novice for both GSDs and all breeds on Saturday. On Sunday they placed second in GSDs and third among all breeds.




Rosi von Fintel and golden retriever Kaw River's Ricola, RN, TDX finished Rico's Beginner Novice title at our club's obedience trials with a 196 on Saturday and a 197 on Sunday. Rosi and border collie Dog-Patch Dolly earned Dolly's second Utility leg on Sunday.

Showing a Dog to Honor a Friend

Dolly greeted GSD Buzz with Yvonne holding Dolly's leash in the background. 2014 Photo

Our club's obedience trials featured a very special – and emotional – achievement on Sunday at the Greater Kansas City Dog Training Club building. Club member Rosi von Fintel and her border collie, Dog-Patch Dolly, earned Dolly's second Utility leg. This achievement was more than just another leg earned by a very talented trainer in the sport's toughest class. It was a tribute to a dear friend who died last year. Yvonne Frazier was beloved by many, and was especially close to Rosi, Sally Hamm and Debbie McHenry, with whom she and Dolly had shown in team obedience. Yvonne and Dolly earned their first Utility leg in May 2013. Yvonne developed some health issues, and died unexpectedly in March 2015, with her goal of a UD for Dolly unfulfilled. Rosi had lost her two talented and multititled German shepherd dogs in 2014. She made space in her home and heart and took in Dolly and vowed to continue on with the Utility title in honor of Yvonne. Rosi's first challenge was helping Dolly lose weight and get back in shape. Yvonne had been unable to give Dolly the exercise she needed and Dolly had gained a lot of weight, something that bothered Yvonne immensely. Rosi worked diligently helping Dolly adjust to her new surroundings and lose weight. On Sunday, magic happened and Dolly performed each of the challenging Utility exercises and qualified for her second leg. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. Congratulations, Rosi and Dolly – just one more to go!

Cheers and thanks to members who entered dogs in our obedience trials! 

Cindy Hartman, MiJen's Willa, CD, RE; Cindy Jarrar, Delana Von Der Sturmischen Bahn, CGC,ATTS, BH; Nancy Kennedy, Sir Heinz Vom Wieland, BN, RA, CGCA, TC; Debbie McHenry, Gero vom Kleinen Holzweg, BN, PCD, TD, RE, CGC; Rosi von Fintel, Kaw River's Ricola, TDX, RN (Golden Retriever) and Dog-Patch Dolly, CDX, TD (Border Collie) 


By Debbie McHenry 


Highest Scoring GSD in Trial was Gero Highest Combined GSD Score in Open and Utility: 102 Lochinvar’s Chica of Ironwood, owned by Joan Senyard 


Highest Scoring GSD in Trial was Gero Highest Combined GSD ... none

Sir Heinz Vom Wieland BN, RA, CGCA, TC; owned by Nancy and Mike Kennedy in Saturday’s trial, was first in Preferred Novice for GSD and second in All-Breed Placements. On Sunday he was second in GSD placements and third in All-Breed placements.

Gero Vom Kleinen Holzweg CD, PCD, BN, RE,TD; owned by Shane Meuschke and DebbieMcHenry placed first in Novice B on Saturday and Sunday in GSD placements and All-Breedplacements.

Kaw River’s Ricola RN, TDX (Golden Retriever) owned by Rosmarie von Fintel placed first both days in Beginner Novice B.

Dog Patch Dolly CDX, TD (Border Collie) owned by Rosmarie von Fintel placed first on Sunday in Utility A, with her first qualifying score with Rosias her handler! Dolly was owned and loved by our friend Yvonne Frazier until her passing, when Rosi stepped in to give Dolly a new loving home and continue her training.

In Memory of a Wonderful Friend

January 17, 2002 - June 5, 2016


My very special and much adored Cassie left us today, surrounded by people who loved her. Her breeders Nicky and Lew Bunch, EJ, Keri, myself, and my sister Joey. I don't even know what to say... where to begin. As a family, Cassie was with us more than half our married life. She's the first dog that our son Jim remembers clearly from when we first got her as a puppy. She was the first dog that we got after Keri was born. Cassie lived in 11 different homes on three continents. Even with our disruptive lifestyle courtesy of the US Army, Cassie did amazing things to promote the GSD

breed. Her first title was her TD, which she earned at the 2002 GSD national at just under 9 months old. Eventually, many titles and years later, she became the first GSD breed champion to earn a MACH (Master Agility Champion). Her favorite agility event was always the FAST class, because I had to give her space and STAY OUT OF HER WAY. I fought with her for years on her start line stays. Finally, when she turned 7, I decided to give up the idea of a stay at the start. After all, she was a 7-year-old GSD, how much longer would she be running agility? She showed me. She ran until she was 12. Cassie lives on in her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids, but mostly she will always live on in my heart and in the memories that we made together. As I told her when she was passing, "Cassie, you are a GOOD DOG. A very GOOD dog." — Julie Degen

Member photos

Thanks to Cindy Jarrar for sharing photos of her beautiful "Day" aka Delana Von Der Sturmischen Bahn, CGC, ATTS, BH. Please share photos of your dogs for the newsletter and website!

Early Neutering Poses Health Risks for German Shepherd Dogs, UC Davis Study Finds by Trina Wood

Renowned for their intelligence, obedience and loyalty, German shepherd dogs are often the preferred breed for police and military work, as well as popular service dogs and family pets. But as most handlers, breeders and veterinarians are aware, joint disorders are a big concern in these animals. A new study in the journal Veterinary Medicine and Science finds that neutering or spaying these dogs before 1 year of age triples the risk of one or more joint disorders — particularly for cranial cruciate ligament, or CCL, tears.“Debilitating joint disorders of hip dysplasia, CCL and elbow dysplasia can shorten a dog’s useful working life and impact its role as a family member,” said lead investigator Benjamin Hart, a distinguished professor emeritus in the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.“Simply delaying the spay/neuter until the dog is a year old can markedly reduce the chance of a joint disorder.” Dog owners in the United States typically choose to spay or neuter their dogs prior to 6 months of age, in large part to prevent pet overpopulation or hoping to avoid unwanted behaviors. In Europe, however, neutering is generally avoided by owners and trainers and not promoted by animal health authorities, Hart said. During the past decade, some studies have indicated that spaying or neutering can have several adverse health effects for certain dog breeds. For example, a 2014 study published in PLoS ONE and also led by Hart, examined the health records of over 1,000 golden retrievers and found a surprising fourfold increase in one or more joint disorders associated with spay or neuter before 1 year of age. In the same paper, joint disorders in Labrador retrievers were found to be increased by just twofold in dogs spayed or neutered in the first year. For this current study, researchers examined veterinary hospital records over a 14.5-year period on 1,170 intact and neutered (including spayed) German shepherd dogs for joint disorders and cancers previously associated with neutering. The diseases were followed through 8 years of age, with the exception of mammary cancer in females, which was followed through 11 years. The dogs were classified as intact (not neutered), neutered before 6 months, neutered between 6 to 11 months, or neutered between 12 to 23 months and 2 to 8 years. Joint disorders and cancers are of particular interest because neutering removes male and female sex hormones that play key roles in important body processes such as closure of bone growth plates.

  • • Seven percent of intact males were diagnosed with one or more joint disorders, compared to 21 percent of males neutered prior to a year of age.
  • • In intact females, 5 percent were diagnosed with one or more joint disorders, while in females neutered prior to 1 year of age this measure was significantly increased to 16 percent.
  • • Mammary cancer was diagnosed in 4 percent of intact females compared with less than 1 percent in females neutered before 1 year of age. (The occurrence of the other cancers followed through 8 years of age was not higher in the neutered than in the intact dogs.)
  • • Urinary incontinence, not diagnosed in intact females, was diagnosed in 7 percent of females neutered before 1 year of age. “

In addition to dogs suffering pain from joint disorders, the condition may also disqualify the dog as a working partner in military and police work,” Hart said. “We hope these findings provide evidence-based guidelines for deciding the right age to neuter a puppy to reduce the risk of one or more joint disorders.”

Other researchers on this UC Davis study were: Lynette Hart and Abigail Thigpen, School of Veterinary Medicine; and Neil Willits, Department of Statistics. The research was supported by the Canine Health Foundation and donors to the Center for Companion Animal Health

The Dog in the New GSDCGKC Logo: Remembering Alvin

By Tiffany Bartley

About Alvin: AOE 4x Select Ch. Joelle's Alvin v.Norberge CD, TC, ROM, ROMC OFA GS58079F24M-T/EL10912-T

Breeders: Tiffany Bartley, Joann Corbin, Tammy Knight and Pam O'Dell

Owners: Carole Michael, Tiffany Bartley, Joann Corbin and Ricarda Bartley

DOB: 02/07/98 Date of Passing: June 2007

Alvin was in one of the first groups of German Shepherds to receive the prestigious "Award of Excellence." He was a Select four times! He also had titles on both ends of his name, including his CD title, Herding Instinct certification and he was a Canine Good Citizen. Alvin was a Register of Merit in both the U.S. and Canada, proving his producing abilities. His progeny continue on to this day. He was wonderful with children and always made a big production at shows "pickpocketing" people for cookies. He stamped his paw on all of his owners' and breeders' hearts and to this day is vivid in all our memories of him and his progeny. We are honored that his head shot is being used as the logo for the GSDCG.KC

Weigh in on your preference for a new logo

Your club's officers and board of directors invite the membership to weigh in on which logo they prefer for permanent use. The board approved Option 1 on the left for social media, but invites input on member preference for a logo for official use and on shirts, caps, etc. The two choices are below:




Thank You Note from Rosi v.Fintel

We celebrate another successful Obedience Trial organized June 11 and 12 in Raytown, Mo. Without the support of numerous members, who offered to help in one capacity or another, this would not have been possible. Too many to mention by name, each and every one of you are greatly appreciated for all the help, time and effort it took to achieve our goal. We hope you had a positive experience as well and that we will be able to recognize you at our next monthly meeting. Let's do it again in 2017!— Rosi v.Fintel

German Shepherd Dog Club of Greater Kansas City - Cheryl May cheryl@gsdcgkc.com
